Home Tips to Save You Money this Summer
June 17th, 2016 | Posted in Home Maintenance, Safety
The hot summer sun can play havoc on your pocket book. Here are four tips from ProBuilt’s President George Davis to make home ownership easier this summer.
1. Close your window blinds and curtains during the heat of the day.
Doing this will lower your air conditioning bills and also keep fading of carpet and furniture to a minimum.
2. Don’t water your grass during the heat of the day.
Most of the water will evaporate before it ever reaches the soil.
3. Is your sanitary sewer bill computed off your water bill?
Most communities have a flat rate residential sewer charge. If yours is that way this tip is not for you. But if your community computes the sewer bill off the water meter and you have a sprinkler system, then you are paying for sewer charges on water that you used to water your lawn which does not go into the sewer. In those communities you can have a second water meter installed that computes water used for the sprinklers only so sewer charges are not computed on that water. This can be a huge savings.
4. Consider an attic fan.
I will use a real life example to explain this one. A client I had turned off his attic fan. The temperature in the attic was nearly 130 degrees on a July afternoon. The air conditioner was turning on about every 15 minutes to keep the house downstairs at 72 degrees. Then he turned the attic fan on and two hours later, the attic temperature was down to 97 degrees and the air conditioner was only turning on about every 30 minutes. The attic fan really works. I recommend a solar‐powered one so you do not have any electricity costs.
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